Join Jess Beutler, Program Director at OpenStreetMap US, at the intersection of monuments, representation, OpenStreetMap, and Wikimedia. This NYC Open Data Week event was hosted by BetaNYC and NYC OpenData.
Only five out of New York City’s 150 monuments of historic figures honor women. But New York City is not alone – fewer than 8% of historic monuments across the country represent women. From monuments to street names to how we dedicate our public libraries, the underrepresentation of prominent women contributes to a gap in our cultural understanding of what women have been able to accomplish. Mapping the locations of these monuments and dedications though, has the power of helping us close both the gaps in the physical representation as well as our documentation of their lives.
In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we will talk about how OpenStreetMap data can help us understand gaps in diverse historic representation in New York City, of women and other historically excluded groups.
At the end of this session, attendees will have had a hands-on experience contributing to OpenStreetMap for better representation on the map.
Jess Beutler
Jess Beutler is the Program Director at OpenStreetMap US. Her focus is to strengthen and expand the impact and breadth of programs for the OSM US community, such as Mapping for Impact and TeachOSM. Prior to working with OSM US, Jess has led participatory mapping projects and supported OpenStreetMap communities across sub-Saharan Africa, southeast Asia, and the Caribbean.