OpenStreetMap US Newsletter - Issue #9
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OpenStreetMap US

July 2020
Welcome to Issue #9 of the OSM US Newsletter!
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Community Spotlight

Guest Blog Series
This month we welcome guest blog contributor OSM community member Dara Carney-Nedelman,
       "In 2010 I became a charter member of the Unicoi Country 4-H GPS Team. Our goal then was to map 50 miles of the Appalachian Trail..."  
Read more about Dara's OSM experience in her blog post.

Using OSM to Measure UN Sustainable Development Goals 

This summer, OSM US is participating in Azavea's Summer of Maps program, a 12-week fellowship where geospatial data analysis students work alongside experienced mentors to complete projects for nonprofit organizations. OSM US is working with SoM Fellow Eugene Chong, a student at the University of Pennsylvania studying transportation and GIS. Read more about Eugene's project using OSM to measure UN SDGs in this recent blog post.


OSM US  Applies to Become Official OSMF Local Chapter

OpenStreetMap US is excited to announce that we have applied to become an official Local Chapter of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. Thank you to the current and previous OSMF and OSM US board members who have provided support to reach this important milestone. Read more in this blog post. Have questions or comments? We’d love to hear from you. Reach out via Slack or send an email

Fall Virtual Event Planning Underway - We Need Your Help!

This fall OSM US will host an online event to celebrate our community. We need your input to find a time that will maximize participation by mappers throughout the US. A virtual event is intended to provide the community with a new and unique opportunity to connect and learn, but it is not going to replace our annual State of the Map US, which we will host when safely possible next year in Tucson. 

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OpenStreetMap Events
July 22, Online      OSM US Mappy Hour - Topic: Diversity
July 23, Online      OSM US & MaptimeBmore Mapathon for Baltimore Data Week 
July 25, Online      Mapping Snoqualmie Remotely, from Home w/ OSM Seattle
August 2, Online   OpenStreetMap Mapping Night w/ OSM Salt Lake City
August 6, Online   Civic Hack & Map Night w/ Code for San Jose
August 12, Online  OSM US Mappy Hour - guest Martijn van Exel, MapRoulette
August 26, Online OSM US Mappy Hour - guest Ian Dees
Ongoing                YouthMappers Online Webinars

OSM US Virtual Mappy Hours

OSM US hosts virtual Mappy Hours twice a month featuring a variety of topics and speakers. Thanks to our recent guests Brian DeRocher (Microcosm), Anson Parker (Location Privilege), Minh Nguyen (Diversity mapping), and Richard Welty, Jeff Meyers, Bert de Brujin, & Nathan Proudfoot from OpenHistoricalMap. All recorded Mappy Hour presentations can be found here. Be sure not to miss any upcoming events - sign up today!

Have an idea for an event or mapping initative? Let us know!

Global State of the Map Videos Now Available

On July 4 and 5, the OSMF held the international State of the Map online for the first time. If you were unable to attend, the videos are now available online.

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