OpenStreetMap US Newsletter - Issue #17
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OpenStreetMap US
March 2021
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OSM US Announcements

Save the Date for Mapping USA ~ May 20, 21 & 22

Save the date for Mapping USA, our virtual spring conference set for May 20-22nd. If you find yourself humming a familiar pop tune from the 1960s, you are not alone! Grab your tropical shirt, sunscreen and straw hats and join us as we take a virtual tour of OpenStreetMap across the US. Interested in presenting, teaching a workshop, or leading a conversation about your favorite topic? Call for proposals is open until April 23. More info to come. We hope to see you there!

12 Months of OpenStreetMap 

In March we’ve focused on women in OpenStreetMap in honor of Women’s History Month. We held our first “Ladies Night” mappy hour on International Women’s Day. In April we will focus on the natural environment and OpenStreetMap. Are you working on a mapping project with an environmental focus? Let us know! Learn more about #12monthsofOSM on the wiki

Women Remembered Mapping Campaign 

Inspired by the Geochicas Las Calles De Las Mujeres project, the #Women Remembered mapping project was initiated by women in the OSM US community to improve the representation of women in OpenStreetMap in the US. We seek to generate content in OSM to advance the representation of prominent women figures by mapping streets, buildings, art and statues depicting prominent women in the US. To discuss this project and further ideas around the representation of women in OSM, join the #geo-ladies channel in the OSMUS Slack.

Community News

The Great Socially Distant NYC Scavenger Hunt 

In celebration of this years OpenDataWeek, the OSM New York City community gathered for a fun, socially distant, scavenger hunt to track down bike parking in Manhattan. Participants used Field Papers while walking and biking around New York south of 30th Street. There is still plenty more to find but it was fun mapping and meeting others in the open mapping community. Look for a guest blog post by Daniel Solow next week!

OSMF LCCWG Subcommittee Call for Participation 

Volunteers from across the OpenStreetMap community are coming together to redefine how we communicate in our spaces, and the LCCWG Moderation Subcommittee invites your participation in the process. To date, the subcommittee has created a Scope of Work and finalized an Implementation Plan that outlines our step by step approach to the work. Please take a minute to indicate your interest in participating in the process via this form. And help us spread the word! Please share this form with anyone who might be interested. Form closes April 10, 2021. Thank you!
Member Spotlight
A big thank you to Ross Bates, a new donor member of OSM US. Here is what motivated Ross to become a member:

“I’ve been an OSM user for many years and have recently come to the conclusion that OSM is not just useful, it’s one of the most important (and under appreciated) projects around. Thrilled to be a supporter.”

If this resonates with you, join us! Our members are vital to the success of OpenStreetMap US. We can’t do our work without you!
Upcoming Events
April 1          ~ Code for San Jose Civic Hack & Map Night
April 3          ~ OpenStreetMap World Discord Spring Mapathon
April 6          ~ International Mapathon: Weeks Against Racism
April 14        ~ OpenStreetMap Michigan Meetup
April 14        ~ OSM US virtual Mappy Hour OSM and Education
April 15        ~ Code for San Jose Civic Hack & Map Night
April 21        ~Map ABQ April Virtual Meetup
May 20-22   ~Mapping USA - An OSM US Virtual Event
June 8          ~FedGeo Day
July 9-11      ~Int'l State of the Map 2021. Call for sessions open until April 4

Have an idea for an event or interested in presenting at an upcoming Mappy Hour? Let us know!
Find more events at

OSM US Virtual Mappy Hours

OSM US hosts regular Mappy Hours featuring a variety of topics and guest speakers. This week's Mappy Hour featured lightning talks from women in OSM. A big thank you to our guests, Valerie Anderson, Bond Harper, and Jess Beutler. Did you miss it? Find the recorded presentation on our playlist! 

April 14th, 2021 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT: OSM & Education. Join the TeachOSM steering committee and American Geographical Society and learn how OSM has been introduced in classrooms across the country. All are welcome. 

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