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Mappy Holidays from the OpenStreetMap US team!
What a year! Thank you for being part of the OSM community. 2024 has been an important year of growth for OSM US. Catch the year's highlights in this blog post!
If you are looking for a meaningful way to give back to the OSM US community this holiday season, we encourage you to invest in our work by becoming a member or by making an end-of-year gift. Your support strengthens the capacity of OSM US to advocate, educate, build community, and improve accessibility to open data through OpenStreetMap.
~The OSM US team
Welcome SliceOSM!
🍕SliceOSM is a new OpenStreetMap US Community Project that lets you draw an area on the map and download a fresh up-to-the-minute extract of OpenStreetMap data for that area in OSM PBF format.
The 2024-2025 Award Year for the PVSA is now open! OSM US is proud to honor the volunteer mappers and community leaders that advance the OpenStreetMap project every day. Check out the webpage to learn about eligibility, deadlines, how to apply, and more.
Have you heard about the OSM US Trails Stewardship Initiative? Learn about the update of more than 1,000 miles of trails data in Utah and updates on the broader initiative to scale across the US in this blog post.
OSM US Education Working Group February 20 ~ online
Want to meet up with your local community but don't see an event near you? Check out the OSM Community index or join a #local- channel on the OSM US Slack.
OpenStreetMap US is a proud Environmental Partner of 1% for the Planet through the Trails Stewardship Initiative. Learn about the partnership here.