Do you have your own photos to share from SOTMUS? Did you present at the conference? Consider uploading your photos, notes, and slides to Wikimedia Commons here.

In support of KABOOM! and the Colorado Health Foundation, the OpenStreetMap community has completed all park & playspace mapping projects in Rio Grande County, Otero County, and the East Colfax Corridor in Colorado. Thank you so much to the mappers and validators: wireguy, BubbleGuppies, phidauex, zbrown, Amy_85, akadouri, RhodelsIand, russdeffner, GrizzlyTTU, yip_yip, sejohnson, & MayaLovo

Want to join in Mapping for Impact? We’ll announce a new campaign soon!

Upcoming Events

Where do you want to see State of the Map US next year? The 2023 call for bids (and suggestions) is now open through August 15!

Have an idea for an event or interested in presenting at an upcoming Mappy Hour? Let us know!
Find (and add) more events at

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