The OSM US community at SotM US 2024.
Become a member of OpenStreetMap US!
OpenStreetMap US thrives because of our members! We strive to serve a growing number of citizens who engage with their world through OpenStreetMap. When you become a OpenStreetMap US member, you are supporting an engaging community of like-minded mappers across the country who believe open-source data enriches the world.
We offer both individual and organizational memberships, creating more ways to support and connect with the OpenStreetMap US community.
Individual Membership
REGULAR: Vote for the OpenStreetMap US board and receive a 20% discount to paid events, including the State of the Map US conference as well as an invite to OSM US Member Town Halls.
ACADEMIC: Vote for the OSMUS board, are eligible for special academic rates for events, and will receive invitations to town halls, networking events, and early notice of scholarships. This tier is limited to students and educators.
SUPPORTING: Vote for the OpenStreetMap US board and receive a 25% discount to paid events, including the State of the Map US conference as well as an invite to OSM US Member Town Halls.
PROFESSIONAL: This new tier is for members interested in more active engagement with the OSM network. Professional members enjoy all supporting member benefits PLUS invitations to exclusive networking and virtual Brown Bag events with OSM US organizational members.
DONOR: As a donor member, you will be recognized with a special thank you on our website. Donor members are able to vote for the OSM US board, receive a 30% discount to State of the Map US, and invitations to Member Town Halls, Networking & Brown Bag events.
Thank you to our Donor Members
David Salmon, Desiree Petrie, DLM, Eddie Pickle, Ian Dees, Jacob Zelek, Jeffrey Meyer, Julie Evans, Minh Nguyễn, Monty VanderBilt, Robert Harrison, Sam Handler, Samuel Ley, Seth Fitzsimmons, Stephen Hinton, Torsten Heycke, Walker KB
Organizational Membership
Non-voting, organizational memberships are available for companies, educational institutions, nonprofits and government agencies seeking an avenue to effectively give back and support the growth of our community.
Organizational memberships start at $1,000 and offer a wide range of benefits by tier including:
- Working Group participation - Invitation to participate in OSM US-led Working Groups
- Logo Placement - Your organization will be highlighted on our website, newsletter, & social media and you’ll be featured in a blog post announcing your membership.
- OSM US Membership Logo - Show off your membership with a an OSM US member icon for your website and other assets.
- Add A Conference Sponsorship - Combine your membership with any tier-level sponsorship to one or both of our annual conferences, including State of the Map US, for greater outreach and savings of up to 25% off regular sponsorship pricing.
For more details, see our Organizational Membership Guide. Reach out to to start the conversation—we’d love to hear from you!