OpenStreetMap US

The OpenStreetMap US team is excited to announce our first community organizational member: Illinois Kendall County Department of GIS. Welcome Kendall County!

“At Kendall County, we use and contribute to OpenStreetMap pretty much every day. By managing more of our data in an open, collaborative environment like OSM, we know our authoritative edits can benefit the broader community, while at the same time, we benefit from the efforts of dedicated local mappers. We believe that the particular work of OSMUS through things like TeachOSM and the charter projects it supports will lead to a more accessible, engaged OSM community, and that’s something that deserves to be supported!”

—Meagan Briganti, Deputy Director of the Kendall County GIS Department

OSM US organizational memberships are available for companies, educational institutions, nonprofits, and government agencies that would like to give back financially and support the growth of our community. We recently revised our membership tiers to meet the needs of organizations of different sizes and budgets. We offer a variety of membership benefits including invitations to participate in OSM US-led Working Groups, discounts on event sponsorship, and more!

Is your company or organization interested in learning more about OpenStreetMap US organizational membership? Check out our membership page! Individual memberships are also available.

OpenStreetMap US is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization advancing geospatial data democracy in the United States by catalyzing collaborative action around OpenStreetMap between individuals, government agencies, nonprofits, corporations, and academia.

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Become a member of OpenStreetMap US! OpenStreetMap US thrives because of our members! We strive to serve a growing number of citizens who engage with their world through OpenStreetMap. When you become...