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See all postsOpenHistoricalMap Office Hours
Join the OpenHistoricalMap community for our annual informal office hours. Get advice from fellow mappers, brainstorm some focus areas for the coming year, and give feedback to the OHM advisory group.
OpenStreetMap US Wrapped: A Year in Review for 2024
2024 was a year of exciting growth for both OpenStreetMap and the OpenStreetMap US team. Let’s celebrate some of the highlights! The Team Grew OSM US welcomed Jake Low, Software Engineer, and...
OpenHistoricalMap: The Most Open-Ended Map in History
OpenHistoricalMap (openhistoricalmap.org) is a time machine brought to you by the community that built OpenStreetMap. Zoom into any neighborhood in the world, turn to any time period in history, and there you...
Turbulent Waters: Showing the Historical Extent and Impact of Natural and Human Activities in OpenHistoricalMap
Historic (and prehistoric) changes in water levels, some due to dam building and others resulting from natural processes, have had significant influence on geography. The changes include dam construction, a major dam...
Lowercase history: micromapping the past
History is about far more than empires, wars, and migration. The same attention to detail that makes OpenStreetMap special – that human touch – also makes OpenHistoricalMap stand out in the field...