OpenStreetMap US

In times of crisis, mappers often focus their efforts on improving data for impacted areas to support these efforts. However, reactive contributions can result in lower data quality or data may not be mapped quick enough for responders.

In this Mappy Hour, UVA Data Science graduate students will present their capstone work aimed at solving this challenge. The team of Ian Doran, Catherine Im, Lauren O’Donnell, and OC Ofoma used disaster risk data sets to rank priority areas of the United States by completeness in OSM, resulting in an interactive dashboard. This work will allow the OpenStreetMap US community to focus on closing data gaps in the most at-risk parts of the country before a disaster strikes.

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Building and Growing an Open Source Community: Lessons from OpenStreetMap Americana

May 17, 2023 · Brian Sperlongano

In this Mappy Hour, Brian Sperlongano will share experiences and practical insights gained from building and growing the OSM Americana project. Learn about the nuts and bolts of community building, including getting...