OpenStreetMap US

The curb is a becoming one of the most popular assets in the transportation world. With the growth of TNCs and short-distance delivery options its demand is increasing even more. How can we use OSM to properly map the diverse uses of the Curb? What are different municipalities doing to manage the curb and what can we do to help the map?


Daniela Waltersdorfer

Daniela is a Transportation Engineer/Planner at Cambridge Systematics and a proud advocate of opensource data and spaces. She is from Lima, Peru, and currently resides in Washington D.C. with her dog, Milou.

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The State of the iD Editor

Oct 5, 2018 · Bryan Housel

iD is an active open source project with a thriving developer community. We are steadily adding new features and making improvements that help both new and experienced mappers contribute to OpenStreetMap. This...