OpenStreetMap US

Interstate highways are the highest classification of road data within OSM in the United States. Confidence in the accuracy of this data is critical to a functional map. In March 2018, Kaart began an effort to verify and improve highway destination tags across the nation. To date, Kaart has verified destination tags in more than 10 states, verifying more than 5,100 road segments. Our goal is to create comprehensive and complete data for all 50 states. Using publicly available tools and imagery, we would like to share our general findings as well as strategies in hopes to improve upon our methodology and further progress toward our goal.


Next up in State of the Map US

Previous talk
Connecting Educators to OpenStreetMap Community Members & Vice Versa: A Discussion (Part 2)

Oct 6, 2018 · Derek Sheets

Hear from educators integrating OSM contribution into their classroom, TeachOSM contributors and other community members working with educators. With the common goal of growing the community at an earlier age, suggestions and...