OpenStreetMap US

Steve Coast recently called geocoding one of the last unsolved technical problems of OSM.

While it’s true there’s always more work to do, real progress has also been made, and our community is uniquely suited to continuing to improve the state of open-data geocoding.

In this talk we’ll explore both sides of the geocoding challenge:

  • Why geocoding is a vast and difficult task
  • Where OSM shines as a data source for geocoding
  • How you, the OSM contributor can best make OSM better for geocoding


Next up in State of the Map US

Previous talk
Visualize Change: Animate your mapping

Oct 6, 2018 · Rebecca Firth

In late July 2018 HOT will launch our “Visualize Change” tool which enables mappers, mapathon organizers, mapping project managers and anyone else to create quick and easy visualizations of their progress as...