OpenStreetMap is long past its initial data collection state: now what matters is keeping the data fresh and correct. We in Juno use OSM for our ride-sharing services, and we rely on it being good. Of course, it isn’t — but in New York, you can be sure you will get the most correct routes. In this talk we will show how OpenStreetMap and its satellite services — MapRoulette, Imagery Index, GPX Tiles, OSRM, and others — help us keep the open map in a perfect condition every day. And how we are setting an example to ride-sharing services by opening data for other mappers.
Next up in State of the Map US
Previous talkOpenStreetMap 🥰 Government Panel
Government agencies are as passionate about excellent quality maps as the OSM community. But how do you join forces to benefit everyone involved? This panel will bring together people representing government agencies...