OpenStreetMap US

Indicators based on OpenStreetMap data have been key to ITDP’s success advocating for bicycling in Brazil – and now we’re taking the strategy worldwide.

We’re building a global web platform, based on, to visualize infrastructure for bicycling, walking, and public transit in cities around the world. This platform will “close the loop” between mappers, advocates, and city planners. It will make OSM data easy to view and interpret, helping cities set goals and incentivizing better mapping.

This talk will discuss how we use OSM to measure clear and useful indicators like ‘people near bikeways’, how we present that data, and how we connect with communities in cities everywhere.


Next up in State of the Map US

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Counter-mapping Narratives of Suburban Commercial Landscapes And Identity

Apr 2, 2022 · Nohely Alvarez

Langley Park is an unincorporated inner suburb in Maryland, located a mile away from the Washington, D.C. border. Since the 1950s it has been recognized for its transient community - one of...