OpenStreetMap US

“The best experience I ever had.” “Everywhere She Maps has opened the door for women.” “The Everywhere She Maps Internship Match program is the cornerstone that empowers young women.”

These quotes are from women members of the YouthMappers network who participate in our gender equity program, Everywhere She Maps (ESM). Through ESM, we increase women’s participation in and leadership of the YouthMappers network, OSM communities, and a variety of industries. We reach 5,000+ students in over 300 campus chapters across 60+ countries.

ESM wants to collaborate with you and your organization to develop incredible professional development opportunities for women in YouthMappers. We invite you to join us in building a more equitable OSM.

Next up in State of the Map US

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OpenSource to the rescue: the future of MapLibre

Apr 2, 2022 · Yuri Astrakhan

The story of MapLibre - the project that continues to develop browser and native technology for tile visualization ever since Mapbox changed licensing on the amazing technology of Mapbox-gl-js.