OpenStreetMap US

OpenStreetMap US convenes a wide range of stakeholders through Working Groups, collaborating to achieve common goals, support OSM US programs or projects, or oversee community-led initiatives.

Current working groups

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee provides oversight of the OpenStreetMap US community and membership with the aim of fostering a diverse and inclusive community by creating a safe and respectful environment and organized structure for participation.

Education Working Group

The Education Working Group is composed of volunteers who implement open mapping in educational programming within academic, vocational, and other settings. The EWG is facilitated by TeachOSM. Interested participants can join at our Meetup page.

Government Working Group

The mission of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) and U.S. Government Working Group is to seek out mutually beneficial relationships between the public and open data communities. Committee members meet once per month and include representatives from DOT, USGS, FRA, FAA, NPS, Census, CDC, FEMA, FWS, ORNL, state, and local governments. The Government Working Group is open to those with .gov or .mil email addresses.

Trails Working Group

Formed in October 2021, Trails Working Group members are leading efforts to support responsible mapping of trails on recreational land in the United States and support the larger Trails Stewardship Initiative.

Imagery Working Group

Formed in August 2023, the Imagery Working Group brings together the remote sensing industry, tool developers, mappers, and other interested parties to investigate ways to improve imagery access in OpenStreetMap.

Pedestrian Working Group

Formed in March 2024, the Pedestrian Working Group aims to convene diverse stakeholders with an interest in OpenStreetMap pedestrian data to find ways to collaborate and improve pedestrian accessibility across the country.

Event Planning Committees

OpenStreetMap US forms event-specific committees to help plan our conferences, mainly State of the Map US.