OpenStreetMap US

In its first meeting, the newly elected OpenStreetMap US board  has decided on individual roles:

President : Martijn van Exel
Vice president : Jim McAndrew
Treasurer : Randy Hale
Secretary : Alex Barth
At large : John Novak


You can find details on the meeting in the minutes .

The new board will have a brief  weekly   check-in meeting (similar to a Scrum ) and an official full-length meeting once a month. All meetings are open to the public, and the OpenStreetMap community is encouraged to join. The next meeting is on Monday October 29th, 2012 at 8PM Eastern / 5PM Pacific. You can  find more details on the Wiki .

More info

OpenStreetMap US Board

OpenStreetMap US is governed by a five-seat Board of Directors, elected by our membership.