It’s election season at OpenStreetMap US! Nominations for the OpenStreetMap US Board of Directors will open on Saturday, January 20, 2024, and we hope that you consider running. As a member of the OpenStreetMap US board, you can help shape the strategy and future of OpenStreetMap US at an exciting time of growth for the organization. The benefits and responsibilities of the board include:
- Supporting our Executive Director
- Supporting the staff team in strategic planning efforts
- Supporting the mapping community through mailing lists and chat rooms
- Making a difference at the local, national, and international levels
- Facilitating interactions with other organizations, academics, government, and private companies and supporting fundraising efforts.
As a reminder, board members now serve staggered, two-year terms. There are two board seats subject to this election. The board members who have terms expiring are Brian Sperlongano and Adam Franco, both of whom are eligible to run this cycle. Board members who will continue to serve through 2025 are Diane Fritz, Matthew Whilden, and Priyanka Miller.
What makes a great board member?
What makes a difference is being passionate about the growth of the OpenStreetMap community in the United States and supporting our organization’s mission. Legal, fundraising, or financial management experience (particularly in nonprofit and open source spaces) is optional but highly beneficial to supporting the growth of our organization. Overall, a great board member prioritizes guiding in achieving our organizational goals and aligning these with the needs of our community. Any active, paid member of OpenStreetMap US is eligible to become a Board member.
The OpenStreetMap US board is a governance-style nonprofit board with volunteer board members focusing on the overall mission, strategy, oversight, and accountability. This free short course from Nonprofit Ready provides an overview of nonprofit board service and effective board leadership (which is not required for running).
Curious about board service? Join our information session with existing board members at 5 pm on January 19th at Mapping USA. Hear from our existing Board Members to learn more and ask questions about board roles and activities. Mapping USA is a free event that is open to all, including non-members. Register here!
Requirements & Expectations
To be eligible for nomination:
- Be passionate about OpenStreetMap and its community and interested in shaping strategy and helping with governance.
- Be a current member of OpenStreetMap US by February 10, 2024. Join us today!
As an elected Board member, you will be expected to:
- Attend regular (usually monthly) one-hour, virtual board meetings;
- Read materials provided by the Executive Director before board meetings;
- Communicate with the board and staff team regularly;
- Represent community and organizational interests over personal interests;
- Contribute 1-5 hours per month to community engagement activities such as hosting a Mappy Hour, participating in a Working Group, actively supporting the community through mailing lists and communication channels, or writing a blog post.
Nomination Instructions
Nominations will be open from Saturday, January 20, 2024, through Saturday, February 4, 2024. To nominate yourself, please go to the election wiki page, and add yourself to the list. You can also see more information about the schedule and process there.
Nominees are encouraged (but not required) to provide position statements upon nomination via links on the election wiki page or a statement embedded in the table. In place of position statements on the wiki, nominees will have the opportunity to state their positions and answer questions during the virtual Nominee Town Hall.
Town Hall
We will host one virtual town hall with the candidates the week of February 12, 2024, before voting begins. During the virtual town hall, you will have a chance to ask questions and hear from the candidates. More information, including time and registration link, will be posted to the wiki closer to the date.
To vote in the OpenStreetMap US Board elections, you must be a paid & active voting member of OpenStreetMap US AND have selected Opt-In for your voting status. You must meet these requirements by Friday, February 17, 2024, at 11:59 pm EST to receive a ballot and vote in this year’s election.
If you are an active member but have not indicated your voting status, you must do so by the date and time listed above. Questions about your membership or voting status? Please log into your Neon account to confirm. Not a member? Join us today!
Voting will start on Sunday, February 18th at noon EST and end on Sunday, February 25th at 11:59 pm EST. We will announce the new board members on February 26th.
A Note on Systems & Processes
The OpenStreetMap US Governance Committee will oversee the voting process. We will continue to use Ranked Choice Voting. Results will be confirmed by a member of the Governance Committee.
Best of luck to all the nominees! And thanks for voting!