OpenStreetMap US

Please join us in welcoming Jake Low to the OpenStreetMap US team! Jake is a software developer and will be working primarily on MapRoulette and OSMCha, both of which are OpenStreetMap US Charter Projects and key parts of the OpenStreetMap software ecosystem.

Jake will be collaborating with the mapping community to understand and identify ways we can support you all, so don’t hesitate to reach out! You can find him on OSM US Slack or under the username jake-low in the OSM community.

Before joining OpenStreetMap US, Jake worked at various software companies on all kinds of products, from distributed file systems to text-to-speech engines to backcountry navigation apps. Most recently, he spent three months at Recurse Center, a self-directed educational retreat for programmers, where he built some OSM-related tools and learned about video game VFX programming.

Jake is also an active contributor to OpenStreetMap and is a member of the OSM US Trails Working Group, a collaboration between mappers, land managers, and navigation app developers which aims to improve the accuracy of trail data in OSM.

Jake is based in Seattle, Washington. When not at his desk, you can find him at one of the local coffee shops or hiking in the Cascade Mountains.

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OpenStreetMap US Staff

OpenStreetMap US employs a team of professional staff to help carry out our mission.


MapRoulette breaks up OpenStreetMap work into snack-sized “challenges.” Earn points by fixing validation issues, turning nodes into areas, adding missing tags, and through countless other little tasks that contribute to a healthier map.


What are people mapping? OSMCha is an advanced (yet easy-to-use) tool to analyze bundles of OpenStreetMap edits, called changesets. Advanced filters, vandalism detection, and on-map visualization help you find and verify the changesets you care about.