OpenHistoricalMap ( is a time machine brought to you by the community that built OpenStreetMap. Zoom into any neighborhood in the world, turn to any time period in history, and there you will find the same micromapping detail you’ve come to expect in OpenStreetMap or – more likely – an utterly blank invitation to help build the most open-ended map in history, one story at a time.
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OpenStreetMap for Roman roads? Middle Kingdom cities? 1890s railways? OpenHistoricalMap is aiming to create the most comprehensive, most out-of-date map of everything that’s existed from Then through Now.
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Previous talkOpenStreetMap: Leveraging the Power of the Crowd
Maggie Cawley, Executive Director of OpenStreetMap US, presents an overview of OpenStreetMap to members of the North Carolina ArcGIS Users Group at their winter symposium. This talk includes Q&A.