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OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the free, crowdsourced map of the world. In recreation, OSM helps trail users decide where to go by powering apps like AllTrails, Gaia GPS, CalTopo, and onX. In this talk, OSM experts Quincy Morgan and Jake Low will present an overview of OpenStreetMap before diving into the technical side of the Trails Stewardship Initiative: a collaborative effort to accurately map all the trails in the United States in service of responsible and accessible recreation. Come learn about the easy-to-use tools you can use to keep your trails up-to-date in popular recreation apps, and how you can leverage the power of OpenStreetMap to meet your own data needs.
Quincy is a mapper, developer, and traveler from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He currently supports community tools and websites as Technical Lead at OpenStreetMap US.
Jake is a software developer and mapmaker based in Seattle, Washington. He currently works at OpenStreetMap US, supporting MapRoulette, OSMCha, and other community tools. In his spare time he enjoys hiking and mapping trails in OSM.
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The OpenStreetMap US Trails Stewardship Initiative is a collaboration of government, volunteer, and private sector stakeholders working to address issues in trail mapping, outdoor recreation, and public land management.