OpenStreetMap US

In March 2020, Harris-Stowe State University partnered with Maxar and other organizations local to St. Louis, to introduce students to careers in the geospatial industry. At our event, we focused on mapping several neighborhoods in downtown St. Louis, identified as priority communities through St. Louis’ GeoFutures Strategic Roadmap. Future opportunities to improve the map and utilize OSM data in St. Louis are in the works! This talk will highlight this event and help us draw attention to a new group of mappers in St. Louis!

Next up in Mapping USA

Previous talk
Integrating OpenStreetMap into an undergraduate cartography curriculum

May 21, 2021 · William Wetherholt

This talk provides a brief overview of introducing cartography students at Frostburg State University to OpenStreetMap since 2019. Attention is paid to rationale, initial lesson plans, student impressions, and future directions. A...