OpenStreetMap US

Come explore the impact of MapSwipe on the efficient and effective use of geospatial data in humanitarian work. The open-source MapSwipe mobile app is a community-led and volunteer-driven project that lets users spend as little or as much time as they want completing small tasks on missions supporting organizations responding to disaster, disease, and other crises. Join to hear more about the various ways in which MapSwipe is currently being used to support humanitarian efforts globally of organizations such the Red Cross, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and other members of the Missing Maps initiative. We’ll also share some of our plans for the future of MapSwipe!


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The state of OSMCha

Jun 10, 2023 · Wille Marcel

OSMCha is one of the main validation tools for OSM. It was created as an open-source software project in the spare time of a single developer. Then Mapbox supported its development and...