OpenStreetMap US

AidData maintains the most comprehensive dataset on Chinese-financed development projects, tracking 13,427 projects between 2000 and 2017 worth $843 billion across 165 countries. For many of these projects we include geospatial features of newly created buildings, roads, and other infrastructure based on OpenStreetMap, adding or improving features when possible. Making precise spatial, temporal, and other project information freely available enables researchers and policymakers to explore potential environmental, social, and economic impacts. Work is currently underway to expand the dataset and associated OSM features through 2021 and will continue to be updated in the future.

Next up in State of the Map US

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Towards automated mapping of pedestrian path networks at scale

Jun 11, 2023 · Ricky Zhang

The process of manually mapping pedestrian path networks for OpenStreetMap is difficult due to the large amount of data required and the potential for error. We developed a tool leveraging and integrating...