OpenStreetMap US

We present RASED; a scalable dashboard that enables users to interactively monitor and analyze the evolution and changes of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) road network. This tool allows map analysts, urban and transportations planners to query and visualize various statistics about road network changes worldwide, to understand the map status and stability anywhere in the world. RASED relies on daily and monthly offline precomputations, accessed via a hierarchical temporal index structure, making it possible to support queries in the order of milliseconds, regardless of query temporal window size. This allows for highly interactive map analysis, even at a global scale.


Next up in State of the Map US

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Using MapSwipe for Heat Resilience of Mobile and Manufactured Home Communities

Jun 10, 2023 · Maryam Shakib

Heat-related morbidity and mortality in manufactured and mobile home communities (MMHC) is a public health concern. To address the heat exposure and sensitivity of MMHC residents, high resolution and context-specific data are...