OpenStreetMap US

This talk introduces the new OpenStreetMap data pipeline that has been built for OSMCha and has now been migrated to the OSM US organization. We will talk about real-changesets, one of the main technologies that powers OSMCha. Key modernization improvements enhance data quality and validation checks. We will share how this new pipeline streamlines data integrity and enables developers to build downstream applications. We will demo Gradient, an application demonstrating this new real-time OSM pipeline.

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What are people mapping? OSMCha is an advanced (yet easy-to-use) tool to analyze bundles of OpenStreetMap edits, called changesets. Advanced filters, vandalism detection, and on-map visualization help you find and verify the changesets you care about.

Next up in State of the Map US

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Getting outside is easier when OpenStreetMap and Maxar’s satellite imagery are combined

Jun 8, 2024 · Josh Winer

Heading into the Great Outdoors unprepared can be a risky choice. With the mapping efforts of the OSM community, who leverage Maxar Intelligence’s high-resolution satellite imagery, off-grid and urban enthusiasts alike can...