OpenStreetMap US

What if we posted one unmapped town a day on Mastodon? This presentation explains the genesis of SmallTownBot, recaps the conversations driven by it, and presents data about mapping progress in the past year.

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Matthew Whilden

Matt is a hobbyist mapper from Redmond, Washington. He is currently obsessed with building tooling and practices to get public domain datasets into OSM. His projects include the GNIS National File and the National Address Database.

Next up in State of the Map US

Previous talk

Not just a pipe dream: scaling up OpenStreetMap validation

Jun 8, 2024 · Marc Farra and Wille Marcel

This talk introduces the new OpenStreetMap data pipeline that has been built for OSMCha and has now been migrated to the OSM US organization. We will talk about real-changesets, one of the...