OpenStreetMap US

OpenStreetMap’s global growth has established OSM as a go-to data source. But what datasets are the most popular from OSM? What crowdsourced data has been the most useful in the landscape of other data sources?

Understanding what OSM datasets are the most used by data analysts can help identify OSM’s strengths and opportunities. Using download trends of Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s exports to the UN’s Data Exchange, we explore OSM trends in development and humanitarian contexts across time and space.

Note: unfortunately, the first few seconds of this talk were not recorded.


Next up in State of the Map US

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Assessing urban park quality using OpenStreetMap data

Jun 8, 2024 · Sean Whitcomb

Urban parks provide a number of ecological and social benefits to residents, but marginalized populations often have limited access to nearby parks. I plan to assess the quality of urban parks in...