OpenStreetMap US

OpenStreetMap US is providing a total of $2,500 in scholarships for US-based OpenStreetMap contributors to travel to Argentina for State of the Map (Nov 7th - 9th). The State of the Map team supports this effort with a free conference ticket for each scholar.

Are you doing awesome work with OpenStreetMap and you’re looking to bolster a strapped travel budget for Argentina? Let us know about yourself, what you do with OpenStreetMap and why you think we should support your trip!

As part of our commitment to grow diversity in OpenStreetMap, we are allocating 60% of our scholarship funds to women.

Apply for a scholarship by October 5th

Any OpenStreetMap US member with their permanent residency in the US can apply - yes, you can become a member now to participate :).

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Correction: A previous post stated ‘October 28th’ as deadline.