OpenStreetMap US

The OpenStreetMap US Board is newly elected every year, and our latest elections will be held soon. If you have ever wistfully wondered about being on the OpenStreetMap US board, now is the time to make those dreams a reality!

I can tell you from years experience that being on the OpenStreetMap US board is fulfilling, rewarding, and fun. We spend our time thinking about ways to make the OpenStreetMap community in the U.S. bigger and better. We brainstorm way to reach organizations, academics,governments and private companies to join the OpenStreetMap US community. And perhaps most importantly, we get to work with you, the people of OpenStreetMap, to do all these things. OpenStreetMap US is one of the largest national chapters of the OpenStreetMap project, with nearly as many members as the international Foundation. By being on the board of OpenStreetMap US, you can really make a difference at a local, national and international level. We touch national discussions and the entire OpenStreetMap project!

If you care about the future of OpenStreetMap and its community in the United States, please consider running! All five positions – President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and At-Large – will be on the ballot. All that is technically required is to be a current membership of OpenStreetMap US, and putting your name in the hat. More details and a more respectful townhall on all of this coming very soon.

We are looking forward to seeing new faces and hearing new voices on the OpenStreetMap US board! We welcome a new, fresh and respectful election season. Becoming a member to be part of it.

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OpenStreetMap US Board

OpenStreetMap US is governed by a five-seat Board of Directors, elected by our membership.