State of the Map US is quickly approaching and will be held on the campus of CU Boulder at Folsom Field (the football stadium). During the conference, we’ll be using the JumboTron!

In the OpenStreetMap community, we are always seeing awesome uses of OSM to solve problems, so we wanted to showcase your awesome maps and projects built with OSM. Send them to us for a chance to be featured on the BIG SCREEN! Send us a static map, a URL, a slippy map or a screenshot via Twitter with hashtag #JumboOSM or email us at We’ll pick some of the best submissions and feature them on the big screen! Get them in before Oct 12th so we have time to review them.
Let’s have some fun and we hope to see you in Boulder, and your map on the JumboTron!
Quick disclaimer: We doubt this many maps have ever been put on a JumboTron, so bear with us if we have technical difficulties.