OpenStreetMap US

Dear OpenStreetMap Community,

I am excited to reach out today wearing a new hat - as the Interim Executive Director for OpenStreetMap US! I am honored to serve in this role to support a passionate community that has been a part of my life for many years.

OpenStreetMap US exists as an organization to provide the support and leadership to enable and empower anyone who wants to contribute to OpenStreetMap. The map and the community belong to all of us. How will we move forward to create a stronger, more diverse, inclusive, and open community?

As the interim Executive Director, I am committed to supporting and strengthening our network of mappers and building bridges between communities across the US. There is lot of work ahead, but I look forward to working together to develop new tools, build impactful programs and create a strategic plan based on our shared vision.

What initiatives would you like to see? What are you working on? I consider amplifying the voices of the community and highlighting the great work being done in the US to be a primary part of my role and I want to hear from you - invite me to your meetup, let’s go for coffee, or start a conversation in the #ed-forum on Slack.

Stay tuned for a survey in the coming weeks and please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy Mapping!

Maggie Cawley

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OpenStreetMap US Staff

OpenStreetMap US employs a team of professional staff to help carry out our mission. Meet our team {% include people_list.html at="OpenStreetMap US Staff" %} {% include open_positions.html %}