OpenStreetMap US

Mappers at the State of the Map US in Minneapolis. Photo by Graham Gardner

OpenStreetMap US is happy to announce that a volunteer Code of Conduct Committee has nearly come together! A few months ago we announced the creation of the committee, which is being formed to lead efforts to foster a diverse and inclusive OSM US community through the development of a Code of Conduct and related processes. OpenStreetMap US is committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, where diversity and inclusion can thrive. To that end, OpenStreetMap US will be expanding our existing Code of Conduct to govern OpenStreetMap US community events AND online forums, and act as a guide to make it easier to enrich all of us and the community in which we participate.

Since the announcement, four volunteers from our community have stepped forward to sit on the committee and help lead the creation of a revised Code of Conduct that will serve all OpenStreetMap US spaces - both online and in person. The revised Code of Conduct will include not only our annual State of the Map US conference, but also our Slack channels, mailing lists, and social media spaces.

Thank you to the current committee members Emily Eros, Erica Hagen, Dani Waltersdorfer, and Jonah Adkins for stepping up into this role. There is 1 more spot on the committee! We are hoping for a diverse representation of the OSM US community, but all are encouraged to reach out if you are interested in serving on the committee or learning more about what the commitment will entail. Please email

In addition to the committee, we welcome and invite your participation. A draft of the revised Code of Conduct will be circulated in the coming months for community feedback. Should you have any questions or comments in the meantime please use the #code-of-conduct channel on Slack or reach out using the email above.

Again, this Code of Conduct will only be applicable to spaces affiliated with OpenStreetMap US.

Thank you for being such an amazing community!

More info

Code of Conduct

The OpenStreetMap US Code of Conduct (CoC) was adopted in 2020 to support a healthy and sustainable community. It applies to all participants in all spaces managed by OSM US.