OpenStreetMap US

The OpenStreetMap US team is excited to announce our first organizational member: Development Seed. An engineering and product company, Development Seed is accelerating the application of earth data to our biggest global challenges. Welcome, Development Seed!

Earlier this fall, OpenStreetMap US announced our membership expansion to include non-voting, organizational memberships for companies, educational institutions, nonprofits, and government agencies. This expansion aligns with other organizational models in the OSM ecosystem like the OpenStreetMap Foundation, OSM Belgium, OSM UK, and OSM Japan. Inspired by these models, we designed the membership to provide an avenue for US organizations in the OSM ecosystem to give back to our growing community.

“Development Seed has benefitted for many years from the OpenStreetMap project as we build open-source and open data tools for partners around the world. We give back in many ways: Our Data Team in Ayacucho, Peru, has made significant mapping contributions and shared enhancements to mapping tools. We have a strong core of team members active in OSM and building open-source tools around the larger OSM ecosystem. We consider OSM US our ‘home’ chapter, and you can frequently find our team members at State of the Map US. We are excited about the great initiatives that have come out of OSM US over the past couple of years, with Executive Director Maggie Cawley stewarding the organization forward. Supporting OSM US through an organizational membership is another way we can give that has a material impact. We want to encourage other organizations, especially businesses who benefit from OpenStreetMap, to take their commitment a step further and join us as an organizational member.”

-Kiri Carini, Communications Lead, Development Seed

Is your company or organization interested in learning more about OpenStreetMap US organizational membership? We offer five tiers of membership to accommodate different levels of investment. Membership benefits include networking events, educational opportunities, discounts on event sponsorship including our State of the Map US conference, and more! Get all the details in our membership guide.

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Become a member of OpenStreetMap US! OpenStreetMap US thrives because of our members! We strive to serve a growing number of citizens who engage with their world through OpenStreetMap. When you become...