OpenStreetMap US

The OpenStreetMap US team is thrilled to announce that Esri has become our latest Strategic Organizational Member. OpenStreetMap data has been a key part of Esri’s content offerings for over a decade, providing a rich source of open data for use in building basemaps and supporting other types of visualization and analysis. Esri has been a long-term supporter of OSM US as a sponsor of the State of the Map US conference, and we’re excited to expand that collaboration and welcome them as a Strategic Member.

“As a Strategic Member, Esri plans to build on the successful partnership we’ve had with OSM US.  Over the past several years, we’ve collaborated on OSM in various ways.  Esri expanded our popular Community Maps program to enable GIS users to easily share their data with the OSM community, which has resulted in numerous ArcGIS datasets being made available for editing in Rapid and JOSM.  Esri has provided access to our latest high-resolution World Imagery, including imagery from commercial providers and various state and local governments, for use in iD and other popular editors.

In addition, Esri hosts OSM data in ArcGIS Online so it is easily accessible to over 650,000 organizations and millions of users around the world for their professional and humanitarian use.  Esri builds and hosts both 2D and 3D basemaps that feature OSM data that we make freely available in our software.  Esri also hosts feature services of OSM data that we provide under the OSM ODbL license, which are being used to support many public facing maps and apps.  Esri is also a General Member of the Overture Maps Foundation, in which OSM data plays a crucial role.

Over the next year, we’d like to expand the amount of GIS data and high-res imagery that is available to OSM mappers for the U.S. and beyond.  We intend to optimize the way we replicate OSM data into our online mapping platform so we can keep pace with edits as they are happening.  Most importantly, we will continue promoting the value of the OSM project so we can help grow the OSM community for many years to come.

Deane Kensok , CTO Content, Esri

OSM US Organizational Memberships are available for companies, educational institutions, nonprofits, and government agencies looking to demonstrate their support for OpenStreetMap in the United States and invest in the project’s future. Is your company or organization interested in learning more about OpenStreetMap US organizational membership? Email

OpenStreetMap US is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization advancing geospatial data democracy in the United States by catalyzing collaborative action around OpenStreetMap between individuals, government agencies, nonprofits, corporations, and academia.

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Become a member of OpenStreetMap US! OpenStreetMap US thrives because of our members! We strive to serve a growing number of citizens who engage with their world through OpenStreetMap. When you become...