OpenStreetMap US

History is about far more than empires, wars, and migration. The same attention to detail that makes OpenStreetMap special – that human touch – also makes OpenHistoricalMap stand out in the field of historical geography. What does it mean to micromap history, and why does it matter? How can we apply traditional OSM mapping skills without unduly biasing the map toward the present? What can we learn from academic practices in historiography?

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Minh Nguyễn

Minh is a mapper, Wikipedian, and incurable roadgeek. He lives in San José, California.

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OpenStreetMap for Roman roads? Middle Kingdom cities? 1890s railways? OpenHistoricalMap is aiming to create the most comprehensive, most out-of-date map of everything that’s existed from Then through Now.

Next up in State of the Map US

Previous talk

Camera Grant Program: 1 Year Later

Jun 8, 2024 · Edoardo Neerhut

Since launching in 2023, the Mapillary/OpenStreetMap US Camera Grant Program has resulted in thousands of new images in many US cities. We want to highlight some of the places people have been...