OpenStreetMap US

Posts tagged "OpenStreetMap US Board"

Closing Session with the OpenStreetMap US Board

Jun 8, 2024 · Harrison Devine, Diane Fritz, Matthew Whilden, and Levente Juhász

Enjoy a fun closing session with members of the OpenStreetMap US Board. Who knows, maybe we’ll even announce the 2025 State of the Map US location?

OpenStreetMap US Board Roundtable

Jan 19, 2024 · Diane Fritz, Matthew Whilden, and Brian Sperlongano

Curious about what it is like to serve on the OSM US board? Hear from current board members and envision yourself in the role!

Nominations for the 2024 Board Elections Open Soon

Jan 17, 2024 · OpenStreetMap US Staff

It’s election season at OpenStreetMap US! Nominations for the OpenStreetMap US Board of Directors will open on Saturday, January 20, 2024, and we hope that you consider running. As a member of...

OpenStreetMap US 2023 Board Election Results

Feb 27, 2023 · Emily Eros

The OpenStreetMap US board elections for 2023 have completed! As a Governance Committee member, I volunteered as this year’s election observer. This involves ensuring that the voting was conducted properly and that...

Nominations for the 2023 Board Elections are now open!

Jan 20, 2023 · OpenStreetMap US Staff

It’s that time of year again! Nominations for the OpenStreetMap US Board are now open and we hope that you consider running. As a member of the OpenStreetMap US board, you have the...

2022 OpenStreetMap US Board Election Results

Feb 14, 2022 · OpenStreetMap US Staff

The 2022 OpenStreetMap US board election results are in! There were 7 nominees running for 5 open positions. Of our 184 members, 106 (or 57%) voted. We faced a few technical and...

OpenStreetMap US 2022 Board Elections

Jan 12, 2022 · Maggie Cawley

OpenStreetMap US is excited to announce that nominations to the Board are now open! If you care about the future of OpenStreetMap and its community in the United States, please consider running!...

2021 OpenStreetMap US Board Election Results

Feb 12, 2021 · OpenStreetMap US Staff

The 2021 OpenStreetMap US board election results are in! There were 6 nominees running for 5 open positions. Of our 276 members, 129 voted. This was an increase in turnout from the...

OpenStreetMap US 2021 Board Elections

Jan 18, 2021 · Maggie Cawley

OpenStreetMap US is excited to announce that nominations to the Board are now open! If you care about the future of OpenStreetMap and its community in the United States, please consider running!...

2020 OpenStreetMap US Board Election Results

Feb 11, 2020 · Alan McConchie

The 2020 OpenStreetMap US board elections have completed! As an election observer, I was tasked with making sure the elections were impartial and not unduly influenced, and that the vote counting was...

OpenStreetMap US Board Elections

Jan 16, 2020 · Maggie Cawley

OpenStreetMap US is excited to announce that nominations to the Board are now open! If you care about the future of OpenStreetMap and its community in the United States, please consider running!...

OpenStreetMap US Board Election Results

Apr 11, 2019 · Alan McConchie

The OpenStreetMap US board elections for 2019 have completed! As an election observer, I was tasked with making sure the elections were impartial and not unduly influenced, and that the vote counting...

Announcing our Interim Executive Director & Upcoming Election

Mar 22, 2019 · Jonah Adkins

In 2018 the board was unable to spend much time working with and supporting the US mapping community because the majority of the board’s volunteer time was spent on a hiring process...

OpenStreetMap US Board Election Results

Mar 4, 2019 · Jonah Adkins

The 2019 OpenStreetMap US board elections have completed! We had a total of 5 nominees running for 5 open positions, so in lieu of members voting, I’m happy to announce that the...

OpenStreetMap US Board Elections

Feb 6, 2019 · Jonah Adkins

We are pleased to announce that nominations for the OpenStreetMap US Board are now open. This means you! OpenStreetMap n00bs, arm-chair mappers, craft mappers, even the old sages of the map are...

OpenStreetMap US Board Election Results

Feb 19, 2018 · Alan McConchie

The OpenStreetMap US board elections have completed! As an election observer, I was tasked with making sure the elections were impartial and not unduly influenced. I’m happy to announce that the new...

Extra time to nominate for OpenStreetMap US Board elections

Feb 9, 2018 · Ian Dees

The OpenStreetMap US board has added one extra week to the nomination deadline for elections. Please consider running as a leader in the OpenStreetMap community in the United States. Town Halls We...

OpenStreetMap US Board Elections

Jan 16, 2018 · Brian DeRocher

The OpenStreetMap US Board is newly elected every year, and our latest elections will be held soon. If you have ever considered being on the OpenStreetMap US board, now is the time...

Bye Martijn, Hello Brian!

Apr 11, 2017 · Alyssa Wright

The OpenStreetMap US board has seen quite a few people come and go since it was founded in 2009. There are elections at the end of every calendar year, which always mark...

Say hello to the 2017 OpenStreetMap US board

Dec 21, 2016 · Martijn van Exel

With the 2016 OpenStreetMap US board elections behind us, we can welcome the OpenStreetMap US board for 2017: Maggie Cawley Seth Fitzsimmons Alyssa Wright Ian Dees Martijn van Exel Please join us...

OpenStreetMap US Board Elections 2016

Dec 7, 2016 · Alyssa Wright

A little worn from the national elections of last month? Maybe even still reeling from it? Or reeling from the holiday festivities of late? Fear not! OpenStreetMap US kicks into high gear...

Townhall! OpenStreetMap Elections!

Oct 27, 2016 · Alyssa Wright

Election season is upon us in more ways than one! Your vote and your voice matters. OpenStreetMap US board elections will be happening on the heels of the US Presidential elections the...

OpenStreetMap US Board Elections Coming Up -- Consider Running!

Oct 20, 2016 · Martijn van Exel

The OpenStreetMap US Board is newly elected every year, and our latest elections will be held soon. If you have ever wistfully wondered about being on the OpenStreetMap US board, now is...

Board Roles Annoucement

Nov 12, 2015 · Alyssa Wright

Your new board of the OpenStreetMap US community met this week to determine board roles for the coming year. With a unanimous decision, we decided the following: Alyssa Wright - President Alex...

Results of the 2015 OpenStreetMap US board elections

Oct 21, 2015 · Paul Norman

Say hello to the new OpenStreetMap US board: Ian Dees, Alex Barth, Alyssa Wright, Martijn van Exel, and Drishtie Patel Congratulations! Together with Henk Hoff, I have acted as independent observer to...

Watch the Townhall with all OpenStreetMap US board candidates

Oct 12, 2015 · Michal Migurski

OpenStreetMap US board elections are taking place this week until October 18th. I’ve had the opportunity to run a towhall with all candidates and ask them about their vision for the future...

October 12: Townhall with OpenStreetMap US board candidates

Oct 7, 2015 · Alex Barth

OpenStreetMap US board elections are coming up fast. As a member of OpenStreetMap US we will ask you to vote a new board in the period of October 12th and October 18th....

OpenStreetMap US board elections coming up: October 12th - 18th - you should run!

Sep 8, 2015 · Alyssa Wright

The annual OpenStreetMap US board elections are coming up October 12th - 18th. The election will be held online for all OpenStreetMap US members in good standing. If you’re not a member,...

Meet the new board

Dec 2, 2014 · Alex Barth

Meet the 2014/2015 board of OpenStreetMap US! The October elections yielded five winners. Board offices were selected in our meeting today and each office was confirmed unanimously in the presence of all...

Here are the results of the 2014 OpenStreetMap US board elections

Oct 15, 2014 · Michael Collinson

Say hello to the new OpenStreetMap US board: Alyssa Wright, Martijn van Exel, Alex Barth, Ian Dees and Eleanor Tutt. Congratulations! In conjunction with Toby Murray, I, have acted as independent observer...

OpenStreetMap US Elections October 4th - 14th 2014

Aug 19, 2014 · Alex Barth

Elections are now open. If you are a member you have a ballot in your mailbox. If you’re not, you can still become one and vote. The 2014 OpenStreetMap US board elections...

Meet the New Board

Oct 22, 2013 · Alex Barth

The newly elected OpenStreetMap US board had its first official meeting last night where we defined the roles in the board of 2013/2014. Here we go, in the order of the pictures...

OpenStreetMap US Elections 2013 - Results

Oct 15, 2013 · Richard Welty

The election for 2013-2014 is complete and the new board consists of: Mele Sax-Barnett Kathleen Danielson Ian Dees Martijn van Exel Alex Barth The formal roles (President, VP, etc.) will be determined...

OpenStreetMap US elections 2013 - Last Chance to Get in Line to Vote

Oct 4, 2013 · Alex Barth

OpenStreetMap US 2013 elections start tomorrow October 5 and are open until October 12. Today is the last chance to get in line to vote: Before the end of today, October 4th...

OpenStreetMap US Elections October 5th - 12th 2013

Aug 21, 2013 · Alex Barth

The 2013 OpenStreetMap US elections will take place from October 5th - 12th. The elections will be held virtually, hence we will have a one week period in which you will be...

Board Roles Decided

Oct 23, 2012 · Jim McAndrew

In its first meeting, the newly elected OpenStreetMap US board  has decided on individual roles: President : Martijn van Exel Vice president : Jim McAndrew Treasurer : Randy Hale Secretary : Alex...

OSM US 2012 Election Results

Oct 16, 2012 · Richard Welty

The 2012 Election has been completed; the results were announced at the 2012 AGM of OpenStreetMap US, held at SOTM US in Portland Oregon. Newly Elected: Alex Barth John Novak Re-Elected: Randal...

Elections for the new OpenStreetMap US Chapter board at State Of The Map US

Oct 9, 2012 · Martijn van Exel

With only a few days to go until the State Of The Map US conference, the nominations for the Chapter board elections are in full swing. All board seats are going to...

election results for 2011-2012 board

Oct 14, 2011 · Richard Welty

The election for the new board for the US Chapter has been completed. The new board consists of the following members: Updated 11/13/2011 with the roles. Martijn van Exel – Secretary Randy...

OSMF US Officers for 2010-2011

Sep 22, 2010 · Richard Welty

I announced the results on talk-us, but I really should have posted them here as well. The Board/Officers for 2010-2011 is as follows: President Kate Chapman Vice President Richard Welty Treasurer Thea...